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Tips to Help Prevent Drownings

The following link is another horrible reminder that we must always remind ourselves to practice safety in and around the water:

Three-Year-Old Drowns In New Jersey

As we enter into the middle of the summer, the temperature is certainly going up.  How wonderful it is to spend some time in the pool or at a nearby lake or beach.


But how horrible it is to hear about so many recent drownings, especially because they involve children.


Keep yourself and your family safe this summer.  Here are a few tips to help:


In general:

  • Teach children how to swim and tread water at a young age.
  • When in public places, note the locations of AEDs and First Aid Stations
  • Learn / refresh your skills in CPR and AED use.


In the pool:

  • Always close and lock gates to the pool to keep children out when no one is available to directly supervise them.
  • Enforce “No-Diving” rules as indicated by your pool’s manufacturer.
  • Younger children should wear personal flotation devices until they can swim and tread water.
  • Never leave children unsupervised in the pool area – Not even for a minute!
  • Keep your cell phone close, but only use it in an emergency if there are no other adults to concentrate on watching children. Texts can wait.


At the lake or beach:

  • Do not allow children to go swimming alone in areas without lifeguards and always swim in designated areas only.
  • Always follow posted rules and the directions of the lifeguards.
  • Never let children swim without an adult watching and never drift more than an arms-length away from younger children, especially in the surf.
  • Younger children should wear personal flotation devices until they can swim and tread water.
  • Teach children to swim parallel to the shore if the current pulls them away from the beach.
  • Notify lifeguards and police immediately if a person from your party is missing.


Wishing you a safe and enjoyable rest of the summer.

Check us out on NY1

Our owner, Erik, appeared in a NY1 report about one of our clients:  Kings Combat Fitness.

See if you can spot ’em . . .

Check out my son on NY1 today. Good luck Cadienne on you MSG Debut and congrats to all the Little Knights

Posted by Vincent Koo on Friday, June 10, 2016


Concussions-Second Impact Syndrome

In light of the president’s attempt last week, to bring attention to the growing concussion crisis in our nation, it is important for us to understand why all 50 states have adopted laws requiring young athletes to be removed from the field once a concussion is suspected.

The American College of Sports Medicine estimates that as many as 2 million concussions occur each year with only 15% diagnosed. In the last two decades, sports physicians have become increasingly aware that a second head impact after even a mild concussion can cause severe brain swelling, and lead to death.

Although tests are being developed to help determine within a few minutes if it is safe for an athlete to return to play, there have been documented cases of second impact syndrome where the first impact was so minor that the athlete did not tell the coach before returning to the game.

Signs of a concussion include:
– Temporary Confusion
– Memory loss about the traumatic event
– Brief loss of responsiveness
– Mild to moderate altered mental status
– Unusual behavior
– Headache

If you witness anyone receive a blow to the head and then exhibit any one of these signs, please ensure that he or she is examined by a qualified medical professional before returning to work/play.

What is OSHA going to fine you for this week?

According to a event analysis, violations related to the Blood Borne Pathogens standard is number “8” on OSHA’s “Top 10 Most Cited Standards”. The average current penalty per serious violation this year is $2,135. How does this compare with the cost to train your employees for an hour or two.

We offer VERY competitive rates and expert instructors in Blood and Airborne Pathogens, CPR, First Aid and other advanced courses. Click here to see for yourself.