AED Legal Requirement Consulting
In New York State, any Automated External Defibrillator (AED) deployed outside of a hospital or doctor’s office is subject to Public Health Law Article 30 Section 3000-B. Other states have similar laws. In short, these AEDs are offered for public access and must meet certain requirements:
- AEDs must be registered with the local Regional Emergency Medical Services Council,
- A physician familiar with Emergency Cardiac Care must oversee the AED in the form of a Collaborative Agreement,
- The AED must be maintained according to the manufacturer’s standards,
- The AED must be equipped with sufficient battery power and electrode pads within expiry,
- Only personnel certified to administer CPR and use an AED may do so, and
- A sign must be posted a the front entrance of a building indicating the location of the AED.
Click here to view the full law.
Contact our emergency experts now to help you with AED legal requirement consulting.