
Policy Statement on Sanitation

The health and safety of our clients and staff is of utmost importance. While there have been very few documented cases of disease transmission during CPR training, we recognize that the potential exists for students and instructors who share training equipment to pass on illnesses to others. To minimize this risk Have Dummy Will Travel, Inc. strictly adheres to the following guidelines regarding sanitation:

1. A maximum of only three (3) students will share a manikin during any given training session.

2. All manikins utilize disposable lung bags that are removed immediately after every class, and replaced with new equipment.

3. Mouth to mouth CPR is only practiced at the citizen level, utilizing child manikins.  All child manikins are equipped with removable faces.

  • Each student will be given a face for their own personal use. The faces are interchangeable, and the instructor prompts students to switch faces in the manikin when it is their turn to demonstrate breathing.
  • All faces are removed from the manikins and properly sanitized for reuse at a later class. Sanitization includes the use of water above 180°F and a commercially available detergent with bleach.
  • Once sanitized and dried, all faces are sealed in plastic until the next use.

4. All students are assigned their own re-usable equipment.

  • Each student is given a pocket face mask for their own personal use during training.
  • Each student is given a specialized disposable training valve for their own personal use during training. Each manikin will be set up with up to three (3) separate colored valves. It is suggested that each person insert their valve into the mask, and keep track of their color for the duration of the class.
  • All pocket face masks are properly sanitized for reuse at a later class.  Sanitization includes the use of a mild commercially-available disinfectant and clean water rinse.  Training valves are discarded.
  • Once sanitized and dried, all masks are wrapped in plastic until the next use.

5. Maneuvers for unconscious choking may include the insertion of a finger into a victim’s mouth to sweep obstructions out of the trachea.

  • This maneuver is described only by the instructor.  It is thought that the risk of disease transmission far outweighs the benefit of practicing on a face that contains respiratory secretions.
  • Any student who feels they want to practice this skill is welcomed to, so long as they use either his/her own face (available for classes in which mouth to mouth is demonstrated) , or a clean adult manikin.

6. Good hygiene practices are always encouraged. Students and instructors are welcomed to wash their hands before a class, during any breaks and after the class.

7. Instructors are provided with two sets of appropriately sized, disposable gloves, “dirty bags” and chemical hand sanitation. It is expected that these items will be used while handling any equipment that may have the potential to contain body fluids.

Policy Revised April 2016

The Emergency Experts